Symbol of the Self Realization Sevalight Centre for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling, Bath MI USA

Self Realization Sevalight Centre
    for Pure Meditation, Healing & Counselling
Bath, Michigan, USA - One of the worldwide Centres
founded by Mata Yogananda Mahasaya Dharma

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Guide to Therapies ~ Pure Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Counselling~Coaching all appointments online via video conference at this time
We use Pure Spiritual Healing and Intuitive Counselling~Coaching separately or in combination to assist all to reach their health potential.

Pure Spiritual Healing
What Healing is
Pure Spiritual Healing is the divine science and art of balance. It helps us to be more balanced in our body, mind and spirit. This means that while the innermost layers of a person are balanced and energized, a sense of being more at peace with oneself and the world is achieved. This inner balance then positively affects the outer layers of a person -- the mind and emotions -- effecting more mental poise, more concentration and focus of mind, and more balance within the emotions. The most outward layer, the physical body, is also very positively affected. As the energy becomes more balanced, so the body chemistry is also brought into a state of better balance. Functions that have been 'forgotten', or conditions that the body has not had the strength to deal with often begin to improve. The improvement can be gradual or quite dramatic. Many individual factors are at work in a person's life, so it is not possible to predict how quickly a particular condition will improve.

What illnesses can be helped?
Because Healing works in this holistic manner, there is no limit to what sort of illnesses can be helped. Healers regularly help people with all types of back and joint problems, skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, migraines, asthma, neuralgia, menstrual and gynecological difficulties, irritable bowel syndrome, water retention, eye and ear problems, MS, endocrine disorders, and many other conditions. Many people with cancer find Healing a great help, bringing pain relief, improvement of symptoms and greater peace of mind. Healing always addresses the whole person, not just the disease. People going through natural times of physical change often have Healing to help smooth the process and possible complications. These include those in adolescence, pregnancy and menopause, where the natural change can be a time of joy rather than a time of upset.

Healing after accident or shock
Following an accident, Healing is a therapeutic support to orthodox treatment to damaged areas, and also in helping to heal the trauma from such an event. Healers regularly witness clients recovering faster than expected following accidents if they have also received Healing.
Broken bones, muscle and tissue damage, strain and whiplash all tend to improve faster, as Healing helps the person's energy body to realign itself more quickly, which results in a quicker physical recovery. Apparent 'minor' accident damage such as sprains and dislocated joints can benefit from Healing, preferably as soon as possible after the event. Even 'old' or long-term damage can be partially or completely helped.

Healing and surgery
It is ideal to have Healing both before and after any surgery, as it greatly helps to accelerate the body's own Healing process. Surgery is often very necessary to a person's well-being, and by helping to minimize the shock to the system surrounding this procedure, Healing can help to reduce any post-operative complications. Once again, this is a situation where recovery is often faster than expected when a client is also receiving Healing.

Healing and medicines
Healers are often asked: 'Will I have to stop taking my drugs?' The answer is no. While some people feel they no longer wish to take the medication prescribed for them, a healer will ask the client to consult with their physician if this question is raised. It is often inadvisable to suddenly stop taking a prescribed drug, and expert help must be sought on this question. If, however, a client is withdrawing from drugs with their physician's guidance, Healing is extremely supportive in the process, helping to minimize any possible withdrawal effects. A person is expected to continue with their medication program while receiving Healing, and may in fact find that side effects are reduced as a result.

Can Healing be mixed with other therapies?
Yes, Healing can be compatible with and helpful to other therapies. However, it is a complete therapy in itself and the client should consult the healer to decide whether it is necessary to have other treatment, and to determine the best time frame needed between Healing and other therapies.

Can Healing help with an emotional problem or a life crisis?
Many people seek help from Healing at times such as divorce, relationship difficulties, bereavement, illness of a loved one, or a work or financial crisis. Any family, social or emotional issues can be greatly helped, as Healing supports and balances a person's inner resources, helping them to cope better and perhaps to see things in a different way. This is very different to a psychotherapeutic or counseling approach, as a person's energy actually helps them to feel better throughout the body and being, without necessarily talking much about the situation. (However, some healers are also trained as Progressive Counsellors, and may, in certain circumstances, recommend this approach). Many people with nonspecific or 'hard to explain' emotional difficulties benefit from Healing. Often, simply feeling not quite right or unhappy without reason is a good indication that Healing is needed.

Healing and mental problems
Many people with mental problems find help from Healing. Problems range from mild and severe depression, manic depression to schizophrenia and psychic disturbances. With these conditions, it is once again very important not to withdraw from prescribed drugs, but to liaise with the prescribing physician if wishing to change dosage.

Healing for prevention and progress
Going back thousands of years, the balancing effects of Healing have been used in a preventative way. By harmonizing the energies, small imbalances can be sorted out before they become major illness. For similar reasons, many people come to Healing for help with their personal progress. By unblocking obstructions within the energies, problems in personal life, spiritual progress and meditation practice can all be helped. Thus, those who feel 'stuck' often find their life opening up, and things becoming clearer.

Is faith necessary?
No, but as with everything else we do, the more we believe in it the faster it works. However, many 'non-believers' have Healing and find it very effective.
A good healer will neither press a particular religious view on a client, nor will they hold prejudices against a client's spiritual views.

How often is Healing needed?
This is individual depending on the severity of the illness and many other factors. In general visits will often be once a week to start, with more time between visits as the client improves. In acute situations, it may be necessary to start with more frequent appointments.

Children and Healing
Children respond well to Healing and enjoy their appointments. Most experienced healers are happy to see children, but if in doubt, do ask.

Animals and Healing
All animals can benefit greatly from Healing. Not only domestic animals, but farm animals and even wild creatures happily receive Healing. Ask an experienced healer for more details.

How Healing works
We are deeply connected to the life-force or cosmic energy that permeates the Universe. If our connection with this force becomes weakened or blocked, we eventually show signs of illness or instability. The healer is trained to act as a pure vessel, so that the client's own life force is strengthened and healing takes place. Balancing of the life energies is also done in this way, helping one to feel more centered and at ease with oneself and life.

Pure Spiritual Healing First appointment   $65 thereafter   $55
all appointments online via video conference at this time
Children   $25 Animals   $25
The Michigan SRMH Centre is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit . If you cannot afford the full fees, please speak with us about our sliding scale.

Intuitive Counselling & Coaching
Often used alongside Pure Spiritual Healing, Intuitive Counselling & Coaching is a powerful therapy in its own right. Counselling & Coaching helps a person to see which way to go in their life, whether with regard to relationships, decisions, illness or any other pressing issues. A Counsellor~Coach will never make a person's decision for them, nor tell them what to do, but will help them to unravel and see what is hidden within. Often a person finds their own natural level of intuition and decisiveness greatly enhanced by this process, as they come to understand themselves to a greater depth.

While someone may come to Counselling~Coaching for a particular problem, they will very likely also address other life issues that need tackling. However, this will be at the time when asked for, as no Counsellor~Coach will 'delve' unnecessarily. Similarly, no one is ever asked to look at issues from the past until they wish to: Counselling~Coaching is about dealing with the here and now and moving forward from now in a more sustainable way. Life patterns and habits that a client wishes to change can be addressed at their own request and at the right time.

Partnerships, family, bereavement, career and business relationships are situations that can be worked out with Counselling~Coaching; either individually or together with those involved.

Counselling~Coaching is very much about empowering someone to take a healthy charge of their own life.

Counselling & Coaching First appointment   $75 thereafter   $65
all appointments online via video conference at this time Couples - first appointment   $90 thereafter   $75

Families - please ask Business Groups - please ask
The Michigan SRMH Centre is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit. If you cannot afford the full fees, please speak with us about our sliding scale.

Winged Prayer
If for any reason you cannot receive Healing in person, or as an addition to regular appointments, you may request Winged Prayer. To receive, go into the quiet and inwardly ask. We ask for Healing to be sent to all in need, at 9 each evening. Do join us at this time if you can.

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